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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

College Gang

Hey, there! Its been so long I didn't update this blog. Well, big hellooooo to 2012. Happy New Year! lol. I started it with this final exam in college. Boo hoo hoo starter, huh. But its kinda sweet and great I gather with my college gang, Josua and Riker. We spent our time having dinner together after finished each paper everyday! We ate a lot! Going to exam together is such a good moment with them, how sweet is that. And I'm so glad Riker sit next to me during Basic Skill for Knowledge Worker. It was so funny during he falling asleep during answering his paper. Never forget the others, Peth and Kaie. This girls is just awesome, gorgeous and rock. I wish someday I can do ministry with them. But guess what, they were cheating during the exam! They going to washroom everytime to read the notes. How funny! I miss them both.
                  Katik and Dale. My, first sem, I thought they are couple but actually a bff! I also thought Katik has the same age like me but actually, she is older than me! No wonder she is so mature and talkative. After finished the exam, we went home with Pindra. He's a friend of Riker and of course he is very nice and funny. I glad I know him and he's one of my friend now. Oh, yes! I hopefully I got my license this month during this semester holiday. I can hardly waittttt. I want my very own car so badddd, so I can easily go to college with my gang together. May God bless me! Huhuhu.